Functional medical strength training

The compass series of devices has been an established label in the field of high-quality training therapy for over 20 years. These training/therapeutic devices are used across the world, helping therapists work on and with their patients.

The compass 600 range of devices was conceived for use in rehabilitation and specially for people with physical impairments. These space-efficient combination devices can be put together to form a medical training circuit even in small rooms.

So that older patients can also work well with the equipment, the compass 600 devices can be optionally fitted with an additional weight, meaning weight increases of 1 to 2kg are possible. Minimal need for adjustment optimises the process of using the devices and saves time for more patients. The start position can usually be set from the training position. isometric strength measurement can be compared with the maximum strength measurement. The devices are designed for people from 140 to 210cm in height. 200kg user weight enables training even for heavy patients.

Integration in training control – optional software

compass 600 offers a comprehensive range of fully biomechanically developed strength training devices: they can be individually adjusted, are user friendly and are suitable for all target groups.

Fitted with smart assist, RFID and proxoforce software, all compass 600 devices allow strength tests and software-controlled feedback training. These can be used on all eight combination devices. Via the integrated network connection, the system can be networked with the therapist workstation (Station).

Position sensor system (optional)

The proxomed position sensor system enables quick and easy device settings on the proxomed compass 600 sequence training devices.

The device settings are displayed and automatically saved in the smart assist during the first test or training after correct patient positioning via infrared sensors.

During the next training session, these saved positions are displayed in the smart assist, if the device setting is correct, it is confirmed by a green tick and the training can begin with the next step.

Individual curve

The proxomed individual curve enables the combination of dynamic movements with isometric holding phases. The training can be performed in 4 variations:

Without isometric holding phase (sinus)

The concentric and eccentric movements are performed in succession at any speed without an isometric phase.

Isometric hold phase above

The concentric movement is followed by the isometric phase, then the eccentric movement and the next concentric movement.

Isometric hold phase down

The concentric movement is followed by the eccentric movement with subsequent isometric phase and the next concentric movement.

Isometric hold phase top & bottom (trapeze)

The concentric movement is followed by the isometric phase, then the eccentric movement followed by the next isometric phase, the so-called trapezoidal curve.

  • The speed of the dynamic movements can be selected from 0.5-6 seconds in 0.1 second increments. The duration of the isometric phases is selectable from 0.5-6 seconds in 0.5 second increments.
  • The aim of using these load combinations is to achieve a high muscular workload with the lowest possible intensity/weight in order to spare affected structures.
  • Isometry can be performed in the desired joint angle position.

compass 600 products

compass 600 software

On the safe side!
The devices of the compass 600 line are tested safety in accordance with the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

compass 600 advantages in overview

Your benefits

  • Safe, guided medical strength training for all large muscle groups

For your needs

  • Multifaceted training, ease of use
  • Space saved thanks to eight combination devices
  • Flexible design for bodies from 140 to 210 cm in height
  • Optimal biomechanical patient positioning
  • Visual feedback training

Special product features

  • Tested safety in accordance with the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
  • User-friendly thanks to “Easy Blue Pins” adjustment aids
  • Fine weight gradations of 1 or 2 kg (optional)
  • Quality evaluation of training in the concentric and eccentric phase
  • Intuitive user interface via touchscreen monitor
  • Documentation of test and training using proxoforce software (optional)
  • Progressive training plan adjustment on the basis of subjective experience of load

Online showroom:
View compass 600 in different frame and upholstery colours


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